Yao language

Spoken in

  • Niger - Congo languages Benue - Congo languages Bantoide languages Bantu languages Yao




Also called Ciyao, Achawa, Adsawa, Adsoa, Ajawa, Ayawa, Ayo, Đạo, Haiao, Hiao, Hyao Jao, Veiao or Wajao - - Yao or Chiyao is the language of the Yao ( Wayao ) in Malawi, Tanzania and Mozambique.

It is spoken by about one million people in Malawi and each slightly less than half a million in Mozambique and Tanzania.

Like the other languages ​​spoken in Malawi Chichewa, Chitumbuka etc. it is one of the Bantu languages.


  • Ethnologue.com about the Yao and their language
  • J. Clyde Mitchell, The Yao village: A study in the social structure of a Malawian tribe, Manchester: Manchester University Press 1971
  • Single language
  • Bantu languages