Year Zero Remixed

Y34RZ3R0R3M1X3D ( " Year Zero Remixed " in leetspeak ) is a remix album by Nine Inch Nails. It was released in November 2007, about half a year after the release of Year Zero.

With the album, the contract between Nine Inch Nails and Interscope Records expired after it had come in advance to dispute. Later albums by Nine Inch Nails released on the newly formed label The Null Corporation. The CD version of the album is laid up to be remixing a DVD with the recording tracks in WAVE format as well as a demo version of Ableton Live. The 3-fold vinyl version contains three more songs than the CD version.


In and the album with eight receives ten-year and four out of five points is a pretty good rating. Something bad is coming off the album with Pitchfork Media, where it got 5.8 out of 10. The Denver Post described it as " probably the best remix album in Reznor's career."

Title list

CD / DVD version

Vinyl version
