Yelda Reynaud

Yelda Reynaud (born 1972 in Vienna, Austria ) is an actress of Turkish cinema.


The daughter of a Turkish family speaks Turkish fluently German, French, Italian, Spanish, Arabic and English. She has completed her theater studies in Paris. ( On the Istanbul International Film Festival in 2005, among others ) they gained on major film festivals repeatedly as " Best Actress " award 2007 in Germany notoriety when it was featured in Fatih Akin's On the other hand. Even before her career in Turkey Reynaud had been involved in German, but also French films, and has done for years theater. Since the end of 2006 Yelda Reynaud has his own film production founded with actress Özlem Düvencioglu company. Since the end of November 2007, she successfully plays the main role in the Turkish Constitution Behind Bars - The women's prison. She plays there the Aliye, which corresponds to the German version of Walter.
