Yitzchak Ginsburgh

Yitzchak Ginsburgh ( born 1944 in St. Louis, Missouri) is an Israeli Chabad rabbi, Jewish scholar and author who was known by a large number impetus excitatory actions and statements that are obviously racist content and partly also as a call to violence can be viewed. He is Rosh Yeshiva Od Yosef Chai and Head of the Gal Einai organization.

Yitzchak Ginsburgh was 14 years old strictly - religious ( Baal Teshuva ), studied mathematics and philosophy in Chicago and continued these studies in New York continued. In 1965 he immigrated to Israel and a short time then decided to devote himself exclusively to the Torah. He was a sought- Talmudic teacher, Kabbalist, school principal, and prolific author.

Among his controversial statements include, for example the following:

  • He publicly announced that it was permissible to kill a non-Jew to save the life of a Jew with his organs. The biblical prohibition against killing applies only to Jews.
  • Public and in a book he praised Baruch Goldstein's massacre of praying Arabs in Hebron in 1994 and described him as a martyr. The book (Jerusalem 1998), the deliberately ambiguous title Baruch ha - fielding ( Baruch, the man and be praised Baruch ).
  • In another book ( zaw ha - scha'atipul shoresh, translated as " order of the day radical therapy", Jerusalem 2001), he writes, the West Bank must be cleansed of non-Jews because it only Jews belong, and also referred to the fact all Arabs as a primitive nation belonging (this earned him an accusation of a Jerusalem court for racist incitement a ).
  • Non-Jews, particularly Arabs may not live in Israel.
  • It calls for the restoration of the Third Temple pages.
  • Jews are allowed to pray on the Temple Mount.