Yokohama Women's Marathon

The Yokohama Marathon (Japanese横浜 国際 女子 マラソン, Yokohama Kokusai Joshi Marason, dt " International Women's Marathon Yokohama", engl. Yokohama Women's Marathon ) is a marathon for the female running elite, to be held in Yokohama since 2009. He takes in the Japanese racing calendar the place of the Tokyo International Women's Marathon, which was held from 1979 to 2008.

The organizers of the Japanese Association of Athletics Federations, the Asahi Shinbun and the Nippon Television Network Corporation.

The Erstaustragung took place as the Marathon from Tokyo in November, the second discharge was postponed to February 20, 2011 due to safety concerns with a simultaneous APEC conference.


The start is at the Yamashita Park on the height of the Marine Tower. A small round through the China Town followed by a large, 21 north to Yokohama Station and then southwards to the Kannai Station passes through Minato Mirai by Motomachi and Yamate and will run in triplicate. The goal is in Yamashita Park.

List of winners
