Yoshihiko Noda

Yoshihiko Noda (Japanese野 田 佳 彦, Yoshihiko Noda, born May 20, 1957 in Funabashi, Chiba Prefecture) is a Japanese politician of the Democratic Party and deputy in Shūgiin, the lower house of the national parliament, for the 4th constituency Chiba. Within the party is behind him own faction, the Noda group ( officially Kaseikai ). From September 2011 to December 2012 he was party leader and Prime Minister of Japan.


Noda was born the son of a member of the Self-Defense Forces. He studied at Waseda University, after which he graduated from the Matsushita Seikei Juku (松下 政 経 塾, Eng. Matsushita Institute of Government and Management). In 1987 he was elected as an Independent in the prefecture of Chiba Parliament, confirmed in office in 1991. In 1992 he participated in the founding of the New Japan Party of Morihiro Hosokawa, for which he ran in 1993 in the first constituency Chiba ( five seats) for the Shūgiin. He scored from the state the highest share of the vote. Since 1996, he may run in the new single constituency Chiba 4, which includes his hometown Funabashi and he as a candidate of the New Progressive Party, with almost 105 votes lost in 1996, then won four times since 2000 in order for the Democratic Party.

2002 Noda ran in the election for party chairman. In 2003, he was under the party leader Naoto Kan as Chairman of the Committee for Parliamentary Affairs, appointed him Seiji Maehara 2005 again on this post.

2009 Noda was ( Fuku - daijin, " Deputy Minister ") in the Ministry of Finance Minister Hirohisa Fujii in the Cabinet Yukio Hatoyama after the government takeover by the Democrats Secretary of State. After Naoto Kan, Fujii previously replaced as finance minister, on 8 June 2010 became prime minister, he called Noda as finance minister in his cabinet.

Following the resignation of Naoto Kan in August 2011 Noda was elected on 29 August 2011 as the new chairman of the ruling party and a day later the Prime Minister of Japan. The formal appointment Noda and his Cabinet by Tenno Akihito took place on 2 September 2011. During the election as party chairman in September 2012 Noda was clearly confirmed in office.

After the defeat of the Democratic party in the lower house election on December 16, 2012 Noda was end of December 2012 replaced as head of government of Shinzō Abe (LDP ). The Democratic Party lost three quarters of its previous seats, Noda resigned as chairman; his successor Banri Kaieda was chosen. Noda himself was the only deputy of the Democrats nationally his election result over 2009 improve: He was in the constituency Chiba 4 163 334 votes - his best result since the introduction of Einmandatswahlkreise - in absolute terms, he received 1,200 votes more than in 2009, its share of the vote rose from 53.6 to 57.3 %.
