
Yuya was a high ranking official of ancient Egyptian and the father of the King ( Pharaoh) Amenhotep III.

Family and Title

The spelling of his name varies on his monuments, between Yeah, Yeah, Yuja, Jay or Jay to name just a few examples. His wife was Tuya. Their daughter, Tiye was the " Great Royal Wife" of Amenhotep III. and mother of Akhenaten. Aanen, one of his sons, was the " second priest of Amun ". Yuya was carrying a number of important titles, such as " God Father ", " priest of Min" and " Overseer of Horses ," and " head of cattle of Min, the Lord of Akhmim ." He also contributed to the high rank title "member of the elite " ( Iripat ), " Foremost in action " ( Hatia ), " Siegler royal " and " only friend ". As its title suggest, it probably came from Akhmim.

Grave system

Yuya and his wife Tuya were buried in a rock grave in the Valley of the Kings ( KV46 ), a great honor for a middle-class couple. The grave was only partially robbed and was discovered in 1905 by James Edward Quibell.

It still contained the partly gilded coffins of the couple, numerous pieces of furniture, the Book of the Dead of the two and other important objects in a rich funeral this time. The finds are now mostly in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo.
