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The Ukrainian state enterprise Juschmasch or Piwdenmasch (Ukrainian Виробниче Об'єднання Південний Машинобудівний Завод імені А М Макарова; Russian Производственное Объединение Южный Машиностроительный Завод имени А М Макарова; translation:. .. . Production association south engineering works named after AM Makarov ) is a 1944 in Dnipropetrovsk based manufacturer of agricultural equipment, buses, trolleybuses bosom, trams and wind turbines, however, he is best known as a manufacturer of rockets, satellites and space vehicles with 13,000 employees. Current director is Viktor Schjogol. The company is involved with the KB Yuzhnoye with 15 percent of Sea Launch.


Initially still work as it was 586 (then OKB -586 ) divided 1954 in a manufacturing operation (today Juschmasch ) and the design office Yuzhnoye.

Juschmasch produced, among others, the first nuclear missile of the Soviet Union, the R-5, but also the models R- 12, R -14, R-16 (the first Soviet ICBM ), R -36, MR UR -100. During the Soviet period could be produced annually about 120 missiles. In the late 1980s Juschmasch was selected as the main producer of the Topol -M. In the course of perestroika, demand dropped significantly and Juschmasch was partially converted into a civil engineering works, which is why to this day also transport, wind turbines and other civilian machines are manufactured.

Leonid Kuchma, longtime director of the company, Prime Minister and 1994 President of Ukraine was then.

Current situation

Piwdenmasch with its 13,000 (January 2003) employees one of the largest industrial companies in Ukraine, currently 7,000 workers are employed. In 2001, products were sold with a value of 335.6 million hryvnia. In addition, the machine factory Pawlohrad belongs to the company. Today, among other things Zenit carrier rocket and the Dnepr rockets are manufactured.
