Zamora (Ecuador)

Zamora on the map of Ecuador

Zamora is the capital of the Ecuadorian province of Zamora Chinchipe.


Zamora is located in the south of Ecuador, at the point where the rivers Río Bombuscaro and Río Jamboé flow into the Río Zamora. Through discovery of gold in the area Zamora was considered mine capital of Ecuador ( Capital Minera del Ecuador), but is now also called the city of birds and waterfalls (Ciudad de Aves y Cascadas ) known.


On October 4, 1549 the Spaniard Alonso de mercadillo, Juan de Salinas Loyola, Hernando de Benavente and Hernando de Barahona established a settlement. She was baptized in the name of Zamora, came following the Spanish city of Zamora, from the mercadillo.

Gold discoveries in the east erwirkten an economic boom of the settlement, but it was abandoned around 1840. 1868 a parish was founded in 1883 acquired one municipal law. Only in the early 1920s Zamora, favored grew through the gold mines of Nambija.


Southeast of the city, situated on a hill, lies the Reloj Gigante, one made ​​of precious metal clock whose dial has a diameter of 30 meters.

Around the city there are several waterfalls:

  • Cascada Velo de novia (20 km west ) - 60 meters
  • La Cascada Chismosa ( in the Podocarpus National Park ) - 2.5 meters height
  • Cascada Chorrillos (6 miles west) - 10 meters
  • Cascada El destrozo (15 miles west) - 40 meters
  • Cascada San Ramón (34 miles west) - 60 meters
  • Cascada El Libano (7 km north-west ) - 6 meter height
  • Cascada Genairo (6 km north-east ) - 120 meters

To the south is the 146,000 -hectare National Park Podocarpus, which was established in 1982.


Zamora is located on State Road 45 Ecuador, ranging from Loja to Nueva Loja to the northeast.

Approx. 8 km northeast of the city is the regional airport Aeropuerto de Cumbaratza (Zamora ).
