Zapotec languages

Spoken in

  • Otomangue Eastern Otomangue languages Zapotecan Zapotec




Zapotec ( díidxa Zaa [ Juchita'n ], Tiits së ) is an indigenous language in Mexico and a close group of related languages ​​, spoken by the ethnicity of the Zapotecs. It belongs, together with the Chatino Language to a branch of the eastern Otomangue languages ​​belonging to turn language family of Otomangue languages ​​( along with Otomí, Chinantekisch, Popoloca, Tlapanekisch and Mixtec ).

Zapotec is spoken by about 750,000 people in particular in the state of Oaxaca and in parts of Veracruz. Due to the geographical fragmentation of the language area, there are widely differing regional variants. SIL International divides the Zapotec in 38 individual languages.

Zapotec is a tonal language. In general, it follows the syntax verb-subject - object ( VSO).
