
Zebda is a French music group from Toulouse.


The group consists of seven musicians who came together for the first time in 1985. " Zebda " is the Arabic word for butter - or beurre in French. It is a word game with the use of assessed, the French slang for Arabs. Several group members are of North African descent. Their music is marked by influences from all over the world, such as reggae, raï and rock. Her best known song is Tomber la chemise.

The texts of Zebda often treat political and social ills and go so far as to pick up speech by Jacques Chirac ( in Le bruit et l' odeur ). The result of this political commitment was the creation of and participation in a citizen's movement: the motive it.


  • Victoires de la musique: Meilleur groupe (2000)
  • Meilleure chanson (2000) Tomber pour la chemise
  • Meilleure chanson francophone (2000)
  • Meilleur groupe francophone (2000)

