Zeitschrift für die Neutestamentliche Wissenschaft

The Journal for New Testament Studies and the customer of the older church ( ZNW ) is a German -language periodical appearing since 1900. It deals with theological, linguistic and historical problems of the New Testament and the history of the early church ( Patristics ).

The journal is edited by Michael Wolter and appears twice ( earlier times) a year in Walter de Gruyter a print version and online version ( ISSN 1613 - 009X ). Was justified by the ZNW Erwin Preuschen. More publishers have included Erich Gräßer, Günter Klein, Eduard Lohse and Martin Tetz. Besides German essays also English and French are published. In addition, in the journal An overview of recent books and magazines will be given.

In addition to the magazine itself a number Supplements appears to the New Testament Journal for Science and the customer of the older church ( BZNW ), are published in the monographs. A sister publication of ZNW is the older Journal of the Old Testament Studies.
