Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik

The Journal for Papyrology and Epigraphy ( Abbr: ZPE ) is a scientific journal in the field of classical antiquity science. It will appear in four to five issues per year in Bonn publisher Rudolf Habelt since 1967. First and foremost contributions to papyri and inscriptions newly found or newly interpreted to be published in the ZPE; but there are also more general in ancient history article. Currently, the journal of Werner Eck, Helmut Engelmann, Jürgen Hammerstaedt, Rudolf Kassel, Ludwig Koenen, Wolfgang Dieter Lebek, Reinhold Merkel Bach ( † ), Klaus Maresch, Georg Petzl and Cornelia Römer is issued.

The 1988 to 2000 published volumes of the ZPE are freely accessible on the Internet.

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