Zertifikat Deutsch für den Beruf

The concept of language test certificate for the German occupation ( ZDfB ) was developed in the early 1990s in joint working groups of the German Adult Education Association ( DVV) and the Goethe Institute and is performed worldwide since 1995, as a standardized test.

ZDfB builds on the B1- examination Certificate German and is classified on the Euro Europe level B2. In general, this means that learners about 120 hours of German lessons exam should have learned more job-related after a successful certificate in order to achieve the goal of ZDfB can.

The development by the DVV took place in educational job of DVV and the Examinations Office of the DVV. The institution that is responsible for the audit by the DVV, developed and organized, now called telc GmbH. It is the successor to the examination center or the WBT training test systems GmbH ( 1998-2006).

For the ZDfB are an extensive learning objective description and several model or exercise test kits.
