
  • China ( Henan)
  • Luoyangensis Z. Li et al, 2007

Zhongyuansaurus is a little known genus of dinosaur bird Beck from the group of Ankylosauria, whose remains were described in 2007.

Zhongyuansaurus of only parts of the cranium, of the front legs, the pelvis and of the tail are previously known. The skull of this dinosaur was elongated ( 1.4 times as long as wide ) and, moreover, characterized by a flat parietal bone and by a flat area behind the eye socket - with many other ankylosauruses significant excesses are to be recognized here. Other special features are in the construction of the humerus. Otherwise, little is known about the physique of Zhongyuansaurus, presumably he was like all Ankylosauria a quadrupeder ( four-footed ) dinosaur with stocky build, which was covered with an armor of bony plates and fed on plants.

The fossil remains of Zhongyuansaurus were discovered in the Chinese province of Henan and first described in 2007. Type species and only known species is Z. luoyangensis. The finds are dated to the early Cretaceous to an age of about 100 to 89 million years.

Systematically Zhongyuansaurus was filed by his Erstbeschreibern due to the construction of the skull and the tail within the Ankylosauria in the Nodosauridae.
