Zhuge Dan

Zhuge Dan (Chinese诸葛诞; † 258) was a general of the Wei Dynasty during the Three Kingdoms in ancient China.

He served the Cao family since the days of Cao Pis and watched the power decay of the Cao family and the concomitant rise of the Sima family with suspicion. Although he still helped 255 quell Wuqiu Jian's revolt against Sima, but 257 he leaned himself against them, as the usurpation of the regent Sima Zhao seemed imminent. He sent one of his sons into the Wu kingdom to ask for assistance. The former Wei - Wen Qin General immediately came to his aid, but the main force under the Wu- regent Sun Lin hesitated and eventually moved from empty-handed. Zhuge Dan could stand another year, but was captured after a long siege of his city and executed with his sons.

  • Military person (China)
  • The Three Kingdoms period
  • Executed person ( Three Kingdoms )
  • Executed person ( 3rd century )
  • Born on the 2nd or 3rd century
  • Died 258
  • Man