
The Ziglibithy is created in the 1970s style of music from the Ivory Coast; it combines traditional melodies of the tribes from the west of the country.

The Ziglibithy is a modern style of music that has evolved from the traditional rhythms of Bété - people and at the same time a dance direction. It combines traditional melodies of the tribes (especially the Bété ) from the west of the country, combined with Congolese rhythms. The name is derived from the word Ziglibithy zigli what dance means, and bhithy, meaning " honey- sweet song that you can not do without " means. The music can be described concerning the sound as a " synthesis of Afropop and Congo - Rumba. "

As the father and founder of the Ziglibithy applies Ernesto Djédjé. After his death, Jean Baptiste Zibodi used the style further.

The Ziglibithy continued to evolve, and in the 1990s formed therefrom Zouglou. " Zouglou " is a whole movement - choregraphische expression, language, philosophy, music. The " Zouglou " music style draws on elements of other styles of music, especially dancehall and zouk. As the center of origin applies the University of Abidjan. By students of the style was sent to France, where he was mainly in Paris quickly became popular. In the Parisian Diaspora is it of musicians from Côte d' Ivoire 2003 Coupe Decale created a music and dance form. " Coupe Décalé " is currently considered as the most popular style of music in Africa.


  • African Music
  • African Dance
  • Culture ( Ivory Coast)
  • Music Genre