Zinc phosphide

  • Trizinkphosphid
  • Trizinkdiphosphid

Dark gray tetragonal crystals or powder with a faint odor of phosphine


4.55 g · cm -3

> 420 ° C

~ 1100 ° C.

Decomposes slowly in water


0.1 mg · m-3

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Zinc phosphide (specifically Trizinkdiphosphid ) is a chemical compound selected from the group of the phosphides. It is dark gray crystals or a dark gray powder.


The production of zinc phosphide can be done directly from the elements:


Zinc phosphide is a gray reactive chemical which, inter alia, can react violently with oxidizing agents, acids, alkalis or water. The decomposition of zinc phosphide is, however, only at very high temperatures to phosphorus and zinc, and the respective oxides. The compound has a tetragonal crystal structure with space group P42/nmc (a = 8.113 Å, c = 11.47 Å).

The in an open system or at low P- pressure and low temperature, forming modification Zinkdiphosphid ZnP2 consists of red to orange -colored needles. This has tetragonal crystal structure with space group P41212.


Like other phosphides ( aluminum phosphide or calcium phosphide ) and zinc phosphide for the control of voles and other rodents used. It acts as a stomach poison, as toxic phosphine is produced on contact with stomach acid.

Gift wheat consists of treated with zinc phosphide wheat grains often.


Even with humidity zinc phosphide are toxic and extremely flammable gases from ( monophosphane and diphosphine ). This can ignite under certain circumstances by itself. Even with acids react with zinc phosphide formation of phosphines.
