
Zocca is a town with 4876 inhabitants ( 31 December 2012) in the province of Modena.


The municipality Zocca includes the catchment areas of Panaro and Samoggia.


In the medieval wars between Modena and Bologna this area knew an alternate rule to definitively in 1337 to come under the management of Modena. In the feudal era, the area under the noble families Montecuculi and Rangoni was divided. Mid- 19th century, the village Zocca whose name means in the Emilian clearcutting, elevated to the rank of community capital.


In the area there are several starting points for mountain walks. The most important among them are Monte della Riva, easily accessible via the Belvedere way Sasso di Sant'Andrea and Bosco delle Tane. Among the churches and the villages of the following are worth mention of Torre Rangoni, the tower and the remains of the castle of Montequistiolo and the fortress from Montetortore Castle (14th century). They look dignified churches that keep valuable paintings and frescoes from the 17th century, the parish churches of Montombraro and Montecorone (17th century), of Montalbano ( medieval origin, this church has three naves from the mid 18th century ) and the parish church of San Vitale at Missano. There are numerous houses of worship: San Filippo Neri (early 18th century, with remarkable paintings on wood plate ), Madonna del Rosario ( with porch, this is a votive, which was built in the occasion of the end of Pestverseuchung in the 17th century ) and Zocchetta ( of 1668, with arcades dating from the 18th century). Other villages decorate the area: Montalbano, Montecorone, Drago Dena and Zocchetta Vecchia ( Old Zocchetta ), all of which date back to the 15th and 16th centuries; Towers and tower houses from the 16th century are to be found in Fontanini and Tizzano di Montombraro in Usignolo at ' Montetortore ' and in Razolé at Montecorone. Destination a comfortable hike is the sanctuary BV della Verucchia ( Our Lady of Verucchia ), which dates from the 17th century.

Sons and daughters of the town
