Zogore Department

Zogoré is a municipality ( commune Rurale ) and a comprehensive department of the same area in the region belonging to the Northern Province Yatenga in the north of the West African country of Burkina Faso. In the located in the Sahel region 18,305 people live in 15 villages and the main town. The majority of the population lives on agriculture.

Zogoré has partnerships with Willich and the French place Linselles.


Barga | Kaïn | Kalsaka | Kossouka | Koumbri | Namissiguima | Ouahigouya | Oula | Rambo | Séguénéga | Tangaye | Thiou | Zogoré

13.4 - 2.6Koordinaten: 13 ° 24 ' N, 2 ° 36 ' W

  • Location in Burkina Faso
  • North ( Burkina Faso)
  • Place in Africa