
Sao Tomé sailors ( Zoonavena thomensis )

Zoonavena is a species of bird in the family of sailors ( Apodidae ). The three species of this genus is quite small sailor. The distribution areas are far apart, the Hindu sailors occurs in the Indian subcontinent, while the other two species on islands are west or east of Africa endemic: the Sao - Tome - sailors on São Tomé and Príncipe, the times alleys sailors on Madagascar and the Comoros.


The body length is between 10 centimeters during Sao Tome sailors and 12 centimeters at times alleys sailors. All members of the genus are similar in plumage coloration, they are dark, with the exception of bright areas on the under tail-coverts, abdomen and rump.

The toes are arranged anisodactyl. The tail is cut straight. The "tail spikes " that go beyond the flags of feathers protruding quills, are compared to other members of the tribe Chaeturini relatively thin.


Originally, the times alleys sailors as the only species of the genus, the other species assigned to the genus Chaetura. David Lack formed subgroups for the then large genus Chaetura and turning toward the plumage coloration and distribution, but without naming these subgroups, he ordered it today Zoonavena three types to each other. RK Brooke shared the 1970 class according to the proposal varnish on.

The next related genus is Rhaphidura, paint even saw the Sao Tomé sailors as a subspecies of the marsh glider ( Rhaphidura sabini ) that this viewpoint was shared by Brooke due to large differences in plumage coloration not.

The following types are attributed to the genus:

  • Male alleys sailors ( Zoonavena grandidierie )
  • Sao Tomé sailors ( Zoonavena thomensis )
  • Hindu sailors ( Zoonavena sylvatica)