Zosimos of Panopolis

Zosimus of Panopolis (* 350, † 420 ) was a Greek alchemist of the late 4th and early 5th century. He was born in Panopolis (now Akhmim ) in Upper Egypt. Zosimus taught in Alexandria and has written 28 books on alchemy ( Chemeutika ), of which only 24 band as well as some quotes are obtained. The written in Greek main text of Zosimus is based on teaching letters to a learned woman - directed - Theosebeia. Another work using the force are visions of the author.

In the text, the alchemy is represented as a secret doctrine of selected priests.

About the artwork

In the text of the work via the power is about disembodiment, connecting the body with spirit, spirituality. The four elements of Empedocles (earth, water, air, fire ) play a role. In this work, ion is reported by the priest who is dismembered and burned in the early morning. The body is transformed by fire into smoke and spirit, where it turns into a small little man ( homunculus ), the mangled with his own teeth - This is - in agonizing pain. An old gray little man clears now top the evaporation of water on the altar. Through this process of conversion - or purification - is that water into steam. The four elements merge, engage, spiritualize itself according to fixed rules according to dimension and weight. This process is continuously connected with separation and union, it is the essence of the cosmos. To come to the knowledge needs of the entrance of the temple, in which pure water and light are available, be found. The entrance was guarded by a dragon. This kite can only be overcome by a method.

In this confused spelling of the distillation process is described for example.

In his letters to Theobrosia is reported among other things, the right of the coin production of the Kings. The mystery is explained orally and has been inherited from ancestors. Who knows the secret, the work never leads itself but engages others. However, the work of people working for the King, the bearers of secrets. Theobrosia is now also urged to protect themselves against false prophets and to combat the passions. Since people love the gold more than the knowledge of art, they quickly lose mind and wealth. Only those who go the way of reason, will also find the gold. The gold is in front of the eyes of the people, but it is mysteriously well hidden and not visible to anyone.

In the further text the manufacture of chemicals and dyes is then described on similar mysterious way. Procedures and ovens for the wax painting, for the production of sulfur water of pigments such as cinnabar and magnesia are described in the main plant.

Through numerous experiments Zosimus of Panopolis found that sulfuric acid dissolves metals. In another experiment, he managed to release oxygen from red mercuric oxide.

The term ion was used by Michael Faraday for migratory charged particles in electrolysis. In a modified form of the title On the ( preservation of ) force was used later by Hermann von Helmholtz to show the energy conservation law.
