Zuni mythology

The Zuni are a tribe of the Pueblo Indians of the American Southwest. According to their cosmogony legend, the first man from underground caves date, while the world was crisscrossed by vast amounts of water and populated by monsters. However, the holy children of the sun took pity on the people and dried the earth with their heat, so that people could populate the earth.

The mythology of the Zuni is mainly focused on nature gods who influenced the agriculture, the weather and people's health. Many evil spirits led to death and disease, while others again good harvest, health and good weather brought with them. Insects and birds are very frequently represented in contrast to many other mythologies, bring as being good or bad customer.

The Zuni have also come into contact with Christianity, what the Zunische mythology has strongly influenced, so it is common to the Christian cross, which have in turn reinterpreted in a dragonfly the Zuni, also at Zuni Jewelry locate.


  • Achiyalatopa
  • Amitolane
  • Apoyan Tachi
  • Awitelin TSTA
  • Awonawilona
  • Kokopelli
  • Ololowishkya
  • Paiyatamu
  • Uhepono
  • Yanauluha
  • Mythology of the Zuni