Zvishavane, Zimbabwe

- 20.330.066666666667Koordinaten: 20 ° 18 ' S, 30 ° 4' O

Zvishavane (formerly Shabani ) is a 74,600 inhabitants large city in the Midlands province in Zimbabwe. It is located 292 km (airline ) from the capital, Harare. Shabani was the original name of the city comes from the Ndebele word Shavani from, which means something like " crabgrass " or " co- action " means.

Zvishavane has a rail connection to Harare and Bulawayo in Zimbabwe, but also to Maputo in Mozambique.


An asbestos deposits outside the city is an important economic factor for Zvishavane. The asbestos deposits extend north and northeast of the city along a fault line in the Vukwe Mountains and are part of the Great Dyke. They are sandwiched between talc schists on the one hand and low serpentinized dunite and Serpentinitstrukturen other. They lie together on a Precambrian basement gneiss. Asbestos has been mined here by several mining companies.
