Zwi Migdal

Zwi Migdal was a Jewish pimp organization whose members are the late 19th and early 20th century Eastern European Jewish women lured to South America, to make them work there as prostitutes. The organization was particularly active in Argentina and Brazil.

Was officially founded the organization in 1906 under the name Varsovia (Warsaw). A method of obtaining new prostitutes was that the pimps were traveling in the shtetl in Poland or Hungary, where she worked as wealthy men for the hand of girls and young women stopped and the family insured a good future for her daughter. In South America, the girls then had to work as a prostitute. The Jewish prostitutes were called Polacas ( Poles ). End of the 20 years the organization shall have consisted of 500 members, who would have been in 2000 brothels and 30,000 women among them. Because both the pimps and the prostitutes encountered in the Jewish community disapproval, had to build their own synagogues and cemeteries the organization.

After the intervention of the Polish ambassador they had to rename. They chose the name Zwi Migdal, after the founder of the organization. In 1930 the organization was broken up by the authorities.
