1954–55 Danish Ice Hockey Championship season

In the 1954/55 season, the first time was played a Danish ice hockey champions. First Danish title was the Rungsted IK.

Regional Tournament Jutland

The Regional Tournament Jutland was fought on 19 February 1955 in Silkeborg. Silkeborg SF qualified by winning the championship after beating Horsens in Jutland SF ( 2-1 after extra time in the semifinals ) and the Esbjerg SK ( 6-2 in the final ) for the final tournament the next day.

Final tournament

For the final tournament, qualified the master of the Regional Tournament in Jutland, the Silkeborg SF, as well as with the Rungsted IK and KSF Copenhagen two clubs from Zealand.

Sp = Matches, W = Wins, D = drawn, L = Loss
