89 BC

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◄ | 2nd century BC | 1st century BC | 1st century | ► ◄ | 100 BC | 90 BC | 80 BC | 70 BC | 60 BC | ► ◄ ◄ | ◄ | 92 BC | 91 BC | 90 BC | 89 BC | 88 BC | 87 BC | 86 BC | ► | ► ►

Heads of State

Year of the Water Dragon壬辰( at the beginning of the year metal rabbit辛卯)

Syria: 223/224


  • End of the Social War. With the Lex Plautia Papiria the Italians received the Roman citizenship.
  • The Greek community and the Roman colony together in Taranto in a single management structure.
  • The Egyptian Pharaoh Ptolemy X is distributed according to a popular uprising from Alexandria, but he manages shortly afterwards with the help of mercenaries of the re-entry into the city.


  • 89 BC: Gnaeus Domitius Ahenobarbus, Roman politician