The AEG DI was a biplane, which was developed in 1917. The aircraft was a single-seat fighter, but of which only three prototypes were made ​​, but were not very successful and had recorded several crashes. After these setbacks, the pattern was not developed further.

The second prototype is often referred to as the AEG D-II, the third as AEG D.III.

Building on the basic concept of the DI was developed at AEG a triple-deck version, which is also not successful Dr.I.


  • Overall length: 6.1 m
  • Height: 2.65 m
  • Wingspan: 8.5 m
  • Wing area: 16.14 m²
  • Maximum takeoff weight: 940 kg
  • Empty weight: 685 kg
  • Maximum speed: 205 km / h

BI | B. II | B. III | CI | C.II | C. III | C.IV | C.IV.N | CV | C.VI | C.VII | C.VIII | C.VIII Dr | DI | D.II | D.III | DJ.I | Dr.I | FI | GI | G.II | G.III | G.IV | GV | JI | J.II | PE | RI

Plant names: Z.1 | Z.2 | Z.3 | Z.6 | line 9

Other: AEG helicopter | Wagner Owl

  • AEG (airplane)
  • Military Aircraft
  • D- type aircraft of the German Air Force in World War I
  • Single Engine aircraft

Pictures of AEG D.I
