Aelia Flaccilla

Aelia Flavia Flaccilla († 386 in Skotumis, Thrace ) was a Roman empress.

Flaccilla native of Hispania. She married about 376 Theodosius, a distinguished military, who also came from Spain and was staying there at the time. To 377 the first son of Arcadius was born, some time later, the daughter Aelia Pulcheria. 378 Theodosius was raised after the disastrous for the Romans Battle of Adrian Opel Emperor of the East, Flaccilla was now empress. Her husband honored her with the title Augusta 379, which he himself equal with nominally as Augustus. 384 the second son Honorius was born. Pulcheria died as a child. Flaccilla, who was a supporter of the Nicene Christianity itself, was considered very pious and charitable and campaigned against Arianism. While still alive, was a palace in Constantinople Opel, the palatium Flaccillianum, named after her. Also let Theodosius statues set up, the Flaccilla represented. In the building of the Senate and those in Antioch were erected. Gregory of Nyssa held her funeral oration.
