Agaricus silvicola

Dünnfleischiger anise Egerling (Agaricus silvicola )

The Dünnfleischige anise Egerling or champignon (Agaricus silvicola ) is an edible mushroom of the family of mushroom relatives ( Agaricaceae ).


The fruiting body usually appear sociable and discolor the outside at contact points initially sulfur- yellow and later to brown yellow. The thin hat reaches 5 to 10, rarely up to 12 inches in diameter and is initially bell-shaped or hemispherical and spreads out later flat. The top is a light cream color scaled silky and often fine. The hat skin can be removed partly. The slats are young grauweißlich to cream and with increasing maturity of the spores over gray pink to dark chocolate brown. They are dense and free from the stalk. The spores are purple-brown, ellipsoid in shape and have a smooth surface. They measure 5 to 6.5 to 3 to 4.5 microns. The hollow from the beginning stem is long and slender with diameters between 1 and 1.5 centimeters and has an ordinary bulbous foot. He has much the same color as the hat and has a mostly simple, large, membranous, hanging limp and transient ring on. The flesh is white, turns yellow in injury, but not reddened and has a characteristic odor of anise or almonds which does not entirely disappear even by boiling. With potassium hydroxide ( KOH) it turns yellow.


Especially the young fruiting bodies resemble those deadly poisonous Amanita mushrooms ( Amanita phalloides Green, Kegelhütiger Amanita phalloides ). These differ by white lamellae and spores and a sheath around the Stielfuß.

The fungus is very similar to related species such as the Schiefknolligen anise Egerling, the White Anischampignon (Agaricus arvensis), the Kurzsporigen anise and mushroom (Agaricus osecanus ), the field mushroom (Agaricus campestris ) and the Karbolegerling. The slightly toxic Karbolegerling (Agaricus xanthoderma ) smells unpleasant. The Schiefknollige anise Egerling (Agaricus essettei ) only grows in coniferous forest and has massive fruiting body with pure white hats.

It may continue to be confused with the Red Brick crack fungus and the Giant Anthias.

Distribution and ecology

The Dünnfleischige anise Egerling grows as a saprophyte in forests, especially in the needle litter under spruce trees, and fruiting from August to October (July to November). He is to be found in Europe and North America.


The fruiting bodies containing 4- hydroxybenzoic acid.


It is edible and in Europe a popular edible mushroom. He accumulates cadmium.

Systematics and Taxonomy

He was once considered even as a variety of field mushrooms (Agaricus campestris ), or the White Anischampignons (Agaricus arvensis). The Style epithet " silvicola " marks him out as forest dwellers.
