
Al- Asr (Arabic العصر, DMG al - ʿ Asr, the afternoon, the time, the age ') is the 103rd sura of the Koran and with only three verses, one of the shortest.

My name is ambiguous: it refers to both the afternoon, the evening, as well as a greater period of time. The Koran exegesis handed this different variants.

The Qur'an urges righteousness and patience.


The translations vary between " When afternoon " (eg Paret, Rasul ) and "In Time" ( eg, al -Azhar ).

"In the name of the merciful and gracious God. 1 In the afternoon! The second man comes ( with his wicked actions ) determined to harm, 3 except those who believe and do what is right, and the top of each other (as legacy ) to the heart, to the truth (or: to the right ). Hold and to practice patience "

Pictures of al-?Asr
