Al Diwaniyah

31.989144.924725Koordinaten: 31 ° 59 'N, 44 ° 55' O

Diwaniyah (Arabic الديوانية, DMG ad - Diwaniyah ) is the capital of the Iraqi province of al - Qadisiyya. 2007, the population was estimated 333,000. Diwaniyah is an in area that is often regarded as the most fertile area of the whole of Iraq. The Euphrates irrigated region of Diwaniyah. The railway Baghdad - Basra runs through the town.

The bird species diversity in the area of Diwaniyah very large. This is due to the abundant habitats in Diwaniyyas environment that consists of large areas of arable land, wetlands and semi-deserts.


On 10 July 2011, the authorities announced that from a mass grave west of the city 220 bodies were recovered. However, the recovery was not yet complete. The dead are believed to be Kurds, who were executed in 1987 by followers of Hussein.
