
Yahia 'm Sharaful - Deen Al-Nawawi (* 1233 in Nawa, † 1277 ) was a devout Sunni scholar of schafiitischen direction, who studied in Damascus and taught. Full name he was called محيي الدين أبو زكريا يحيى بن شرف بن مري بن حسن بن حسين بن محمد بن جمعة بن حزام الحزامي الدمشقي النووي الشافعي / Muhyi ad - Dīn Abū Zakariyya Yahya b. Šaraf b. Murri b. Ḥasan b. Ḥusayn b. Muḥammad b. Ǧum ʿ a b. Hizam al - Ḥizāmī ad Dimašqī ī Al-Nawawi aš - Safi ʿ.

He commented on the hadith collection of Muslim and wrote two popular today collections of traditions to moral and educational purposes: The Book of Forty Hadith The Gardens and the virtuous.
