All Together Now (TV series)

Rock ' n ' Roll Daddy ( Original Title: All Together Now ) is an Australian sitcom of 1990 It comprises a total of 101 episodes in 4 seasons. . The series revolves around the Old Hippie Bobby Rivers (Jon English), which is still his long verflossenem success as a rock-' n'- roll star in mourning after.


Bobby Rivers is a musician who in the 1970s with his band had a number one hit called " Easy Street " and overnight gained great fame. But this was the only big hit of the band. Nearly two decades later, however, is somewhat lacking neither the money, nor the fame. However, the old hippie in his defies simple-minded kind of time and reality, and is living with Doug, his former roadie and friend in a house and keeps up with odd jobs. The main share of domestic income but contributes Doug, the most but must work overtime with his job as a taxi driver, so that something is food on the table. He also takes over as cooking, washing, cleaning, rinsing or iron the most chores. This leaves him little leisure, why Doug has also not have many friends because he simply lacks the time. But these hardships he likes to take on itself, so that Bobby can fully develop in his work as a musician.

For Doug the old hippie with the long gray hair is a musical genius. However, Bobby could never even come close to build on its earlier successes again. Instead, he plays in supermarkets, on children's birthday parties and hospitals. This commitment gives him his manager Wayne Lovett. Wayne is a cutthroat, Bobby every time large sums abknöpft of the Gage and ' his best horse in the stable, "as Wayne Bobby always called, can also occur on the strangest events and with the suspektesten figures. The somewhat simple-minded Bobby leaves his manager in almost every way, free hand, because he has no idea of these things, and so the former Rockstar always lives with the dream in mind, to be able to one day celebrate a great revival.

One day, Bobby meets a woman who knows him from the time when he was still with his old band " Still Waters " on tour. Slowly but surely, it dawns on Bobby, and he remembers Tracy. Even Bobby believes that she just wants him to visit only once, but then she claimed that Bobby is the father of two children was that he had fathered with a woman named Beth on tour 15 years ago. Tracy tells him also that Beth was killed in a plane crash and that the children live with her since then and she cares about them. Of course, Bobby wants to see them, but Tracy wants to stop this, as Beth herself did not want that Bobby Thomas and Anna, so should learn the names of the twins. However, Tracy was of the opinion that Bobby had a right, at least to learn of the existence of children. When Bobby promises her that he would not tell the children that he is her father, if he is allowed to see her, she agrees and takes the children with the next day. Bobby reveals already welcoming the children accidentally, that he is the father of two.

The kids are stunned when they stand their corporeal father against whom they have never seen in my life. Especially Thomas, money and material things mean more than anything else, does not seem to taste. When Bobby and Doug learn that Tracy and the kids are practically homeless, they offer them to move into the house. Reluctantly, they accept the offer. However, it does not take long to recognize Tracy and Anna, what a lovable person is Bobby and learn especially appreciate this side of him.

Episode List
