Apostolic Vicariate of Alexandria of Egypt

The Apostolic Vicariate of Alexandria in Egypt (Latin: apostolicus Vicariatus Alexandrinus aegypti ) is a located in Egypt Roman Catholic Apostolic Vicariate with its headquarters in Alexandria.

It was founded on May 18, 1839, from annexations of the Apostolic Vicariate of Syria, Egypt, Arabia and Cyprus as Apostolic Vicariate of Egypt and Arabia, changed its name on January 27, 1951 in Apostolic Vicariate of Alexandria in Egypt, and after it on November 30, 1987 the Apostolic Vicariate Heliopolis had taken in Egypt and Port Said in itself, in Alexandria, Egypt ( Heliopolis in Egypt - Port Said). The Vicariate comprised 1839 when it was founded as the territories of Egypt, Sudan and the Arabian Peninsula. The area of the Arabian Peninsula was the Vicariate Apostolic Vicariate of Galla 1851 the from. The southern regions of Egypt were separated on 3 April 1846 under the Apostolic Vicariate of Central Africa, based in Khartoum.

The now quite comprehensive Vicariate of Egypt was one of 1949, 32,000 Catholics of the Latin Rite, their number but still continued to fall, so that there are only 9,000 were in 2002. The number of parishes declined in this period from 28 to 17, the same time, the number of local diocesan priests increased from 3 to 7 and the religious priests from 119 to 159 only the number of nuns decreased from 915 to 776

The two recorded Vicariate were numerically much smaller than this in 1980. So Heliopolis counted only 1,600 Catholics in 5 parishes and the Vicariate of Port Said 375 Catholics in three parishes. If you hold the number of priests against such incredible numbers come out. Because Heliopolis had four diocesan and 66 religious priests (22 Catholics per priest) and Port -Said 4 religious priests (93 Catholics per priest).

In addition to the Vicariate responsible for the Catholics of the Latin Rite dioceses exist in Egypt of the Eastern Churches united with Rome. The largest among them is the Coptic Catholic Church with the Patriarch of Alexandria at the top.

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