Arctium lappa

Burdock ( Arctium lappa )

Burdock ( Arctium lappa ) is a species of the subfamily Carduoideae in the sunflower family ( Asteraceae).


Vegetative characteristics

Burdock, also called Butzenklette, like the other species of the genus a biennial plant. It forms a woody taproot. The upright and 80 to 150 centimeters tall stalks are hairy -edged and spinnwebig.

The leaf blades are easy to centimeters cordate - oval, with a length of up to 50. The leaves are hairy undersides glabrous to slightly gray felt. The stems of the basal leaves are pithy.

Generative features

With up to 10 centimeters long Blütenstandsschäften are spherical flower head having diameter of 3 to 5 centimeters. The almost bare bracts have a brownish- yellow tip, which is hooked curved and as long as or longer than the flowers. The flowers are red to purple and appear from July to September.

The achenes 6 to 8 millimeters long. They are wider top than at the base and are indistinct edges, and bald. They have a terminating Pappus. The propagation is done by the seed heads get stuck with the barbs in the skins of animals and are tolerated ( Epizoochorie ).


Burdock is native to Eurasia. The main distribution area is Europe without the Iberian Peninsula and northern Scandinavia; the distribution is confined largely to England in the British Isles. In North America, the Great Burdock has been introduced.

It grows along roadsides, fences, waste places, on river gravels and alluvial forests. The latter are probably the primary sites. She prefers fresh, nutrient-rich loamy soil, and comes to the montane altitudinal zone at altitudes of 1300 meters.

Phytosociological it is a characteristic species of Arctio - Artemisietum vulgaris. It also occurs in Convolvulion sepium and Onopordion acanthii.


Burdock has been mentioned already in the 9th century in the Capitulare de vel curtis imperii villis of Charlemagne as a useful plant. In Chapter 70 it is listed as " parduna ". In the UK, Dandelion and Burdock (English literally Dandelion and Burdock ) is a traditional non-alcoholic drink specialty, there is since about 1265.


Use as a medicinal plant

Burdock has been used as a folk medicinal plant, the roots are to the drug " Radix Bardanae " processed. The burdock root oil is used in cosmetics application .. A water-soluble polysaccharide, called fructan, the burdock shows in vitro and in vivo high antioxidant effects and may play a role in the production of pharmaceuticals or food in the future. For Arctigenin, an aglycone of Arctiin and typical lignan from Arctium lappa, antiviral and anti-tumor effects were observed. Arctigenin shows phytoestrogenic properties and could in an attempt to accelerate the apoptosis of estrogen receptor negative breast cancer cells. Among the popular uses of burdock root as a medicinal plant found: skin disorders, liver disorders, hair loss, rheumatic diseases.

Use as food

Roots and young leaves can be used as wild vegetables. The root was in the Middle Ages often eaten as a vegetable similar to salsify today, but now only has meaning in Japan, where they Gobō (牛蒡orゴボウ) is called, as well as in Taiwan (牛蒡, Niúbàng ) or Korea where they ueong ( 우엉 ) calls.
