
Arschama I. / I. Aršama / Arsames I ( Old Persian Aršama, Modern Persian ارشام, Aršamma Babylonian, Elamite Iršama; * around 630 BC) described himself as the King of Persis region and was by his sons, grandfather of the Persian Great King Darius I. and progenitor of the Pharnakiden


Arschama I came from the Persian royal house of the Achaemenids and was a son of the king Ariaramna I, in the region of Persis (roughly equivalent to the modern province of Fars ) prevailed. His name means: Heroes Stark.


Information campaigns are not yet occupied. Whether it was used after the deposition of his father Ariaramnes I. Median king Cyaxares by the II as a regional ruler, is still controversial. In his inscription, which was found in Hamadan, located Arschama I called the king of Persia. The designation as King is very doubtful, since the former rule of the region Ariaramnes I fell to the field of Cyrus I.. It may have been used as satrap of Cyrus I.. As further confirmatory cuneiform evidence is lacking, the possibility of a subsequent attachment of the inscription by Darius I is not excluded. Darius I legitimized his rule with a royal lineage.

Arschama I is said to have received Zarathustra was the first ruler of the Achaemenid Empire, who spread the teachings of Zoroastrianism under his care. In the inscription of Arschama I. is the first time an explicit reference to Ahura Mazda as the supreme God.


King Arschama I had two known sons:

  • Hystaspes, satrap of the province of Parthia, the father of Darius I, who ascended to the Great King of the Persian Achaemenid Empire, and
  • Pharnakes I., the father of the dynasty of the Pharnakiden.

Pictures of Arsames
