Asplenium adiantum-nigrum

Schwarzstieliger Spleenwort ( Asplenium adiantum - nigrum)

The Schwarzstielige Spleenwort or Black Spleenwort ( Asplenium adiantum - nigrum ) is a fern species that grows mainly on bedrock. Your frond stems are at the bottom of glossy black.

Another German-language common name is woman's hair is for the Alsace the name.


The rhizome of the plant is short- creeping to ascending, so that the fronds to grow slightly tufted grassy.

The length of the fronds including stem is between 10 and 45 centimeters. The overwintering fronds are simply in young ferns, feathered two -to three- fold in elderly. They are shiny, bald and leathery. In outline they are triangular and undressed in a long point. Your stem is slightly shorter to twice as long as the leaf blade is. At least at the base of the stem is reddish black to dark brown. The lower Fiederabschnitte are often slightly curved upwards. The last Fiederabschnitte are rounded at the base, ovate to oval in shape and front with pointed, sometimes stachelspitzigen and forward curved teeth. (For similar Asplenium onopteris the teeth and the lower Fiederabschnitte are significantly more curved upwards. )

Distribution and habitat requirements

It is primarily a Eurasian species that has spread from the Azores and the Canaries over Europe to East Asia. They also rare in North and East Africa, as well as in North America.

In Germany the species is widespread in the western and southern areas, otherwise it is only very absent-minded.

The Black Spleenwort grows on light to half shady rocks on lime-free rock, and in particular veteran.

