Association des anciens amateurs de récits de guerre et d'holocauste

Association des anciens amateurs de guerre et d' récits de holocauste ( AAARGH ), German: " Association of Former lover of war and Holocaust narratives ," is a group founded in 1996, the texts by internationally known, especially French and German Holocaust deniers in several languages ​​free of charge distributed on the Internet.

It offers these texts with the goal of making in their eyes suppressed information as possible and thereby to contribute to an unprejudiced discussion of the historical revisionism. Published and were linked essays and texts by Serge thione, Robert Faurisson, Germar Rudolf, Günter Deckert and Andreas Roehler, publisher of Sleipnir, which pursues a similar objective.

Because of the abuse of texts internationally recognized historian of the websites AAARGH were already closed several times by the authorities. For new web hosting provided by November 2000, the Swede Ahmed Rami, aiming at the consolidation of Islamic fundamentalism with European and U.S. historical revisionism. The website is hosted in March 2001 by the Belgian organization Vrij Historical Research ( VHO ) of Siegfried Verbeke, is responsible for the design of the German extreme right-wing Internet Holocaust denier Germar Rudolf.

According to the Federal Department for Media Harmful to Young ( BPjM ) the AAARGH, try " revisionism to give a serious and innocent image." The connection to Rami doing " the remarkable affinity of some extreme right-wing groups to Islamic fundamentalism " clearly, the " commonality in their anti-Semitism / anti-Zionism " find.

On 13 June 2005, the Tribunal de Grande Instance in Paris condemned several large French Internet providers to block their clients on French territory to access the websites of the AAARGH.
