Ausonio Franchi

Ausonio Franchi, actually Cristoforo Bonavino ( born February 24, 1821 in Pegli, Genoa today, † September 12, 1895 ibid ) was an Italian philosopher and Catholic priest.


Franchi was the son of a cloth merchant, and his wife Caterina Giambattista Bonavino Traverso. With 16 years Franchi 1837 students of a religious college in his home town because he had banned the entry of the Jesuit order in his family. Three years later he joined the Redemptorists and was ordained in Bobbio on 1 December 1843 priests.

In the years 1845-1848 Franchi worked as a teacher in higher education service. During these years he made, inter alia, acquaintance with Vincenzo Gioberti and Bertrando Spaventa who influenced him, by his own admission, some of them very. With his works Il Razionalismo del Popolo and La religione del secolo XIX Franchi was one of the first ( besides those already mentioned ), who fought against scholasticism and orthodoxy of the established philosophy.

As Franchi anonymous 1849 the work Jesus Christ devant les conseils de guerre translated into Italian by Victor Meunier, he was betrayed and suspended (A divinis ).

This Franchi took as an opportunity to leave the church and to publish from that time only by his pseudonym Ausonio Franchi. The first name should remember the old people of the Ausoni and the last name was the desire for freedom and independence.

1852 published his Franchi Ultima critica, in which he inveighed against representatives of the Holy See, especially against Terenzio Mamiani because he whose - Plato building - theses and theories as outdated and backward considered. Two years later, this book Franchis was at the request of Pope Pius IX. placed on the Index Librorum Prohibitorum.

Franchi founded at that time also the journal La ragione (Turin from 1854 to 1857, 7 vols ), where he was going with the same frankness. Despite its sharp polemic against the orthodox philosophy he transferred the new Italian government in 1860 as professor of philosophy of history at the Academy of Pavia and later ( 1863) at the Accademia scientifico - letteraria to Milan. In this position, Franchi published the Letture su la storia della filosofia moderna ( Milan, 1863, 2 vols ) and Prolusione al corso di filosofia nell ' accademia scientifico - letteraria di Milano (Turin 1868), the less widely applauded found than his earlier polemical writings.

In the later work Sulla Teorica del giudizio ( Milan 1870, 2 vols ), he tried to justify the nature of a priori synthetic judgments Kant.


  • Confessions d'un metafisico (1865 )
  • Ultima critica. Filosofia delle scuole Italiane ( Capolago 1852, Florence 1862)
  • Il Razionalismo del popolo ( Geneva 1856, 3rd edition, Milan 1864)
  • La religione del secolo XIX ( Geneva 1853, new ed, Milan 1859)
  • Saggi di critica e polemica ( Milan 1870-1872, 3 vols );
  • Nuovi elementi di lingua italiana grammatica generale applicati alla ( Milan 1866, 2nd edition 1874)
  • La caduta del principato ecclesiastico e la Restaurazione dell ' Imperio germanico ( Milan, 1871).