
The Friesian ( also Frisian, French: frize, Velcro ') or Flaus is a thick, dull jagged, woolly mixed fabric made from wool or cotton yarns. As a cloth -like fabric in worsted twill weave it is also called coating.

Fries is colloquially often confused with non-woven felt. It is a product made of coarse yarn, thick, long-haired tissue that is heavily fulled, but little roughened and shorn; it is followed by hot pressing and brushes. In some cases, a Appreturmasse is used to increase the gloss itself.

This genus belongs to a large number of different named fabrics, such as Lady -coating, Kastorin, duffel, Sibirienne, Kalmuck etc.

It is used for example as a billiard cloth as covering of poker tables and for the production of carnival hats.
