Baka people (Cameroon and Gabon)

The Baka, a pygmy, living in Cameroon, Republic of Congo, the Central African Republic and Gabon.

They speak the Baka, a Oubangi - language from the language family Gbandili -Sere. The social organization is based on patrilineal ( male lineage ), not always totemic clans. The residence is usually virilokal (the wife moves to the village of her husband ), but can after marriage for about five to ten years, due to bride service ( mokokope ) uxorilokal (husband moved to the residence of the wife over ) be. Because of their Akephalität ( without formal rule structure) Baka to solve internal problems among themselves, for example, by consensus, by avoiding or witchcraft. In case of difficulties with external parties they contact now increasingly to the village chief or the police as a state authorized authorities. This is especially true for problems that occur with the neighboring Bantu peoples, such as the Bangando. Previously, the Baka were in their own words exclusively hunters, fishers and gatherers. After funded by the influence of the government and missionaries settling down in the 60s, they transformed themselves increasingly to small farmers who hunt, fish, gather and / or operate wage labor, and trade. Due to the selective logging the traditional use areas of the Baka are increasingly restricted. Animals and plants from which they have lived, disappear. The survival of the Baka is increasingly dependent on agriculture. The infant mortality rate is high; from an average of eight children, which brings a woman to the world, only four reached adulthood.

Population genetic research revealed that the Baka together with the South African! Kung San are among the to the direct descendants of the oldest Homo sapiens population of the earth.

Pictures of Baka people (Cameroon and Gabon)
