Banu Ghatafan

The Ghatafan (Arabic غطفان, DMG Ġaṭafān ) of Muhammad were a significant network of Arab tribes in Najd, in the northeast Yathribs ( Medina ). Against them, Muhammad led some of his first caravan raids, which were not successful, but mustered up the Ghatafan against him and resulted in the fact that the Ghatafan, along with the Quraysh of Mecca, in the grave battle besieged the Muslims of Medina.

In this battle played according to the Prophet's biographer Ibn Ishaq, a leader of the Ghatafan Nu ʿ ibn Mas ʿ ud aim, an important role. He was secretly a Muslim, and sowed discord between the attackers and the Jewish tribe of Banu Qurayza, which ultimately ended in the fact that the attackers withdrew, and that Mohammed had all the men of the Banu Qurayza, and murder all women and children enslaved.

The Aschdscha ʿ, a tribe of Ghatafan, ran during the grave battle over along with Nuaim ibn Masud to the Muslims. The other Ghatafan were even during Muhammad's train to Khaybar on the side of his opponents and was only after his death Muslims.

Strains of Ghatafan

  • Muharib
  • Tha'laba
  • Aschdscha ʿ
  • Banu Murra