Barkudia insularis

The Barkudia Skink ( Barkudia insularis ) is one of the rarest species of lizard in the world.

The animal has no visible neck, no limbs and a long, tapered tail.

The Barkudia Skink comes only in the Indian state of Orissa in Badakuda Island in Lake Chilika, the largest brackish water lagoon in Asia, in.

The animals are nocturnal, live in the upper layers of soil and feed on various insects such as termites and beetle larvae. About the hotbeds of lizards is not known.

In 1917, he was seen and described here for the first time, subsequent sightings remained unconfirmed, so scientists had the kind mistaken for dead. In 2003, the Barkudia skink was again spotted and documented by video recordings. Were viewed a total of four animals, two of them adults.
