Bassia prostrata

Subshrub - Radmelde ( Bassia prostrata ) in Jetzelsdorf

The shrub - Radmelde ( Bassia prostrata ), also known as Woody Radmelde, is a flowering plant in the family Amaranthaceae ( Amaranthaceae ).


The half - shrub grows Radmelde (rarely 80 cm) reached as perennial shrub, the plant height of about 20 to 60 cm. The branched, up to 70 cm long stems are filled with fluff curled hair. The thick, semi- terete, narrow linealischen Laubblattspreiten are adjacent hairy and 0.5 to 2 cm long and 0.5 to 1 mm wide. The flowers form singly or in few-flowered balls arranged a loose disc Dieting or slightly branched panicle. The perianth of the hermaphrodite flowers is hairy outside more or less tightly. The horizontally extending Fruchtperigonflügel do not cover each other.

The flowering period extends from July to September.


The species has its main distribution in South and South-Eastern Europe and in Central and West Asia, but it also occurs in Central Europe, North Africa and to Pakistan.

In Austria the kind occurs only at two localities in the Pannonian region of Lower Austria - at Jetzelsdorf and Retz - on dry, steep loess grounds, and is considered to be post-glacial relict steppe. In Burgenland, the species is extinct. It is regarded as high risk.


Branches with flowers

Habitat ( Jetzelsdorf )
