Bearded Helmetcrest

Oxypogon guerinii lindenii

The helmet Hummingbird ( Oxypogon guerinii ) is a species of bird in the family of hummingbirds ( Trochilidae ). The species has a large distribution area, which includes the South American countries Colombia and Venezuela. The stock is assessed by the IUCN as endangered not (Least Concern ).


The helmet Hummingbird reaches a body length of about 11.5 inches and has a very short, only 8 mm long beak. The upper side of the male is olive green. It has a distinctive black and white crest as a crown. On the chin there wearing a shaggy white beard, which is crossed by a sparkling green stripes. The dark side of the head has the shape of a triangle. A wide white to yellowish brown collar surrounds the neck up to the chest. The rest of the underside looks dirty yellowish brown and has green round spots on. The slightly forked tail is relatively long, the central tail feathers are olivbronzen. The outer tail feathers are mostly white with bronze red edges and speckles. The female looks very similar, but has no beard and comb. Overall, the plumage of the female also looks a bit dull.

Distribution and habitat

The species occurs in typical páramo landscapes ago at altitudes 3200-5200 meters. Here it moves in between grasslands and scrubland.


The bird is more of a loner and preferred low in Nektarsuche bushes and flowers of Espeletia or Polylepis. Sometimes he runs on the matted grass and makes searching for insects short flights. If it buzzes before the flowers and clings to them, he is very active.


There are four described subspecies, which differ mainly in their coloring and their area of ​​distribution:

  • Oxypogon guerinii guerinii ( Boissonneau, 1840) - Comes in the eastern Andes of Colombia prior to the south of the department Cundinamarcas. nominate
  • Oxypogon guerinii cyanolaemus, Salvin & Godman, 1880 - Is present in northeastern Colombia in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. The strips in the beard is purple blue.
  • Oxypogon guerinii lindenii ( Parzudaki, 1845) - In the Andean northwest of Venezuela states Méridaun Trujillo common. Triangle at the head black, central tail feathers shiny olive green, the exterior bronze purple. The underside is dark olive green with shades of gray on the belly. The round dots on the underside appear darker.
  • Oxypogon guerinii stuebelii AB Meyer, 1884 - Dissemination of central Colombia, near the Nevado del Ruiz volcano. The strips in the beard is blue, orange, outer tail- feathers yellow-brown.


Auguste Boissonneau described the Hummingbird first under the name Ornismia Guerinii. Boissonneau dedicated the scientific taxon Félix Édouard Guérin - Méneville. He recognizes him as editor of the journal Revue zoologique par la Société cuviérienne in Boissonneau many species described.
