Beli Breg (Aleksinac)

Beli Breg (Cyrillic: Бели Брег ) is a village in eastern Serbia.

Geography and population

The village lies in the Opština Aleksinac in Nišavski okrug in the east to 282 meters above sea level. Beli Breg had in the census of 2011 222 inhabitants, while there were 269 in 2002. After the last three population statistics, the population continues to fall.

The population of Beli Breg represent a majority of 98% Serbian Orthodox Serbs also live 3 also Orthodox Macedonians and a Yugoslav in Beli Breg. The village consists of 101 households.

Beli Breg is located 15 km southeast of the capital town Aleksinac. The village is near the Southern Morava. In the village there is no Serbian Orthodox Church.



  • Књига 9, Становништво, упоредни преглед броја становника 1948, 1953, 1961, 1971, 1981, 1991, 2002, подаци по насељима, Републички завод за статистику, Belgrade 2004, ISBN 86-84433-14-9
  • Књига 1, Становништво, национална или етничка припадност, подаци по насељима, Републички завод за статистику, Belgrade 2003, ISBN 86-84433-00-9
  • Књига 2, Становништво, пол и старост, подаци по насељима, Републички завод за статистику, Belgrade 2003, ISBN 86-84433-01-7
  • Place in Okrug Nis
  • Opština Aleksinac

Pictures of Beli Breg (Aleksinac)
