Beny Steinmetz

Benny Steinmetz ( born April 2, 1956 in Netanya, Israel) is a provider in the Israeli diamond business entrepreneurs. He is director of the Steinmetz Diamond Group and with this the largest single customer of De Beers.

Steinmetz did his military service and then went to Antwerp, where he became active in the diamond trade in 21 years. Today he is one with a fortune estimated at 1.7 billion U.S. dollars (as of August 2010), according to Forbes magazine's richest Israelis. He is one of the main shareholders of the Canadian mining company Gabriel Resources, which despite environmental concerns and allegations of corruption will take the largest gold mine in Europe operating in Romania in place Roşia Montană.

With a funding of the diamond billionaire founder René Benko Signa takes over the control of the German department store Karstadt.

He is married and has four children. He lives in Geneva and in addition to the Israeli and French citizenship.
