Boulevard Périphérique

The Boulevard périphérique ( briefly also Périphérique, Périph or BP ) is a ring built around Paris in the years 1954-1973 City Highway, up to five ( on a short route) has lanes in each direction and is congested at rush hour on a regular basis. The Boulevard périphérique encloses the French capital with its 20 arrondissements. Apart from a few exceptions, the areas outside the Boulevard périphérique are managed independently and therefore not part of the Seine metropolis. Almost all the important French motorways lead to Paris and open from all directions in the Périphérique: the A 1 from Lille, from A 4 from Reims / Strasbourg, the A5 from Troyes, the A6 from Lyon / Dijon, the A 77 Nevers, the A10 from Orléans, the A13 from Rouen and the A 16 from Amiens.


The planned since the 1830s and from 1840 to 1845 built city walls ( fortifications) of the French capital and its glacis, zone non Aedificandi were at the site of today's ring road. They were already obsolete at the time of their construction according to the state of military technology really, but they were, after a landmark decision in 1919, eliminated only in the 1920s. Originated here in the interwar period, on the borders of 1860 until today in its political- administrative boundaries "frozen" Paris intra muros first social housing, exhibition grounds, sports facilities, in the upper class neighborhoods in the West Luxuswohnbauten. In no man's land of the " zone " but it was come to wild settlements and the establishment of shelters marginalized social groups before 1914 in part. At Porte Maillot was in 1903, created after the model of Coney Iceland a Luna Park. Predictive planners turn of the century, about Eugène Jean Claude Nicolas Forestier and Hénard had seen in the mounting ring and its zone non Aedificandi a green area for the poor of parks metropolis. However, this was achieved only to a minimal extent, even if the construction of the ring road was designated (1954 to 1973) in the Parisien Libéré from November 8, 1954 even as "Operation Green Belt ".

The 35- kilometer-long highway, le by the inhabitants called Périph, one of the busiest roads in Europe, was at best in the " finer " areas, partly conducted in tunnels location about on the edge of the Bois de Boulogne and Bois de Vincennes. Here, the corresponding civil initiatives were strongest. Also, the Park and the Science Center of La Villette testify a certain effort to make the road project reasonably environmentally friendly. However, an urbanistic works after long debates and delays in construction on April 25, 1973 officially completed beltway as an effective barrier against the fully urbanized suburbs. The total length of the Boulevard is périphérique 35 km, the built-up area 1.38 km ². Daily use between 1.1 and 1.2 million units ( as of 2002) the beltway, 89% of cars, trucks and 7% 4% motorcycles.

Different traffic rules

From the standpoint of the classification of the Boulevard is a simple périphérique municipal road (French Voie communale ). The maximum speed limit is 80 km / h ( normally: county roads 90 km / h, motorways 130 km / h ). The actual average speed on working days, however, only 43 km / h Yet it has structurally separate lanes and eight lanes to four lanes the inner ring and four on the outer ring, which is why it with a (ring) is similar to the motorway.

What also speaks against the assumption that the Boulevard périphérique is a highway, is the rule that at each entrance of the traffic on the acceleration lane right of way has périphérique on the right of the four lanes on the boulevard in front of the. The vehicles in the right lane must actually slow down, give way and let thread, since the level of the acceleration lane between the first ( far right ) and the second lane ( from the right), a solid line is painted on the roadway that is intended to prevent switch on the right track by " threader " out braked vehicles on the second track and so demolish the flow of traffic.

This highway atypical regulation has three main reasons:
