Bruno (bishop of Würzburg)

Bruno of Würzburg ( * 1005, † May 27, 1045 Donau ), also known as Bruno of Carinthia, was chancellor from 1027 to 1034 for Italy and from April 14, 1034 Bishop of Würzburg.

Origin and imperial policy

Bruno was the son of the Duke Konrad I of Carinthia and Matilda of Swabia and therefore the cousin of Salierkaisers Conrad II. For Henry III. he wooed Agnes of Poitou, accompanied him on his campaign and came up in Hungary Donau on the Danube in what is now Lower Austria in a accident.

Accidental death of Bruno

The party of Henry III. had maintenance done at Countess Rich Linde of Ebersberg, which had the task to distribute the legacy of her recently deceased husband Adalbero II of Ebersberg. In an extensive feast of the hostess a mainstay broke below the ballroom and triggered the collapse of the entire soil of. The hostess, Bruno and the abbot of the monastery Altmann Ebersberg the king was slightly injured, but so heavy that she did not survive the next few days. The Annals of Niederaltaich still provide here a legendary history: The Danube at Grein swirl the devil to be the bishop already appeared and threatened him, but the bishop was able to capture him. The body of the bishop was transferred to his residence.

At that time many cathedrals, one even spoke of a construction euphoria. Under Bruno began from 1040, the new building of the Würzburg Cathedral St. Kilian. The inauguration of the crypt on June 16, 1045 was merged with the funeral Bruno. In the Catholic Church of his is commemorated on May 27.

Pictures of Bruno (bishop of Würzburg)
